Thursday, February 24, 2011

My Journey on the weight loss trail

Ok so I thought I would share with you my journey of weight loss and how food and living has helped change me!

I was 110kg and had never felt so miserable in all my life as I was unable to keep up with my little man who had just turned 1. I would look in the mirror and feel terrible at what I saw looking back so I decided to make a change in the way I was living!

I started to change the foods I ate and also the size of portions, so instead of reaching for the whole packet of chips I would eat a row of rice crackers and drink water. I didn't cut all the things I loved out I just cut down and really focused on the portions. I walked everywhere and would spend time doing aerobic DVD's at home as I didn't want anyone to see me.

I finally got to my goal weight after 10 months and as a reward I joined my local gym, where I loved to do classes and use the equipment. After being so familiar with the staff I was approached to start training to become an instructor and for just over a year I have been encouraging our members to either loose weight, get fitter or just to have some fun!

My main tips are set small goals, don't look always at the big goal but look to the smaller ones. Every time I lost 5kg I would buy something for myself, nothing big but something nice as a reward.
Don't stop eating certain foods just portion size them or have them only as treats every now and again as you will crave and then give into the crave in a BIG way!

If you have never exercised start slow, go for a walk and gradually build up. If you use an excuse you don't have time break it down instead of doing a 30 minute walk do 3 10 minute ones during the day.
Have a partner to help you, surround yourself with LOTS of positive people that will help you, sometimes people can bring your good efforts down and make you doubt yourself. Sometimes writing your goals down is a good way to remember what you want to achieve.

So here is the before!!!!!!!!

This is a rare photo I had I actually looked like this for a number of years but just didn't want my photos taken!

And this is the after!!!!!!!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

What does your poo say about you?

Ok so the title is a little interesting BUT have you ever wondered?

I received a message from a site called the food coach and found this article very interesting!

To view the article click here

Too hot to work out!

Sometimes when the weather picks up we may find ourselves making excuses as to why we should not excercise!!!! Here are a few tips to help get you out and getting fit.

  • Try to exercise at the coolest part of the day, so if you can get up a little early and get moving!
  • If you are not a morning person then wait until a little later in the evening and start then, I some times find it a little hard first thing in the morning to get out but getting the kids sorted and ready and giving them dinner then going is a great option as no sun and usually a little milder weather makes exercise a little more enjoyable. I will usually prepare a salad and then eat when I have finished, but if I am hungry prior I will eat a banana.
  • I find I try not to exercise at the hottest part of the day as it makes me feel a little light headed, and this is due to overheating and the body not being able to cope with it all.
  • Drink plenty of water, and when I say plenty I mean plenty! Prior to during and then loads after. Because you will be sweating more you need to replace what you use. I would even suggest to get something that has electrolytes in it as it is able to also replace not just the fluids but also all the other good stuff your sweating out.
  • Types of workouts depends on you and what you want, however walking is one of the best things to do and also free and easy. 
The key is to set yourself goals and stick to it so try to avoid using excuses, including the one of the weather is too hot!