Thursday, March 1, 2012

Flexibility Test

Ok so this test is to see how flexible your hamstrings are as well as your lower back. You can do this a number of ways using different objects.

The first way is to take your shoes off and sit on a flat surface, legs extended in front of the body, toes pointing up and feet slightly apart, with the soles of the feet against the base of the step place your feet flat against a step. You can either place the ruler between your legs on the ground or on the step. Place one hand on top of the other and while keeping your knees flat reach forward as far as you can go, holding it for a couple of seconds and measure where you can reach to.

Mark or take note of your best score, take a measure in cm or inches beyond the base of your foot, or you did not reach your toes, measure how far before the feet you were (a negative measurement score).

Things to remember is not to bounce or jerk to reach further and to give it three goes and to take it on the average.

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